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Kredit Mikro

Kredit Mikro is an uncollateralised micro financing for business purposes. The implementation of the product is based on the Tawarruq transactions.


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Provision of credit facilities to micro entrepreneurs to undertake economic activities involving agriculture and agro-based activities covering all stages of production, processing, services, marketing and consumer needs.




Product Details

Financing Limit

Maximum RM150, 000.00.

Financing limit up to 100% of the total cost and subject to credit evaluation.

Financing Tenure Up to 60 months
Profit Rate (**subject to change) 15% per annum on a monthly rest


Download Product Disclosure Sheet - SKMS 1

Download Product Disclosure Sheet - SKMS 2

Download Product Disclosure Sheet Agro Musim-i (BM)

Download Flyers (A5)



Eligibility Criteria

  • Malaysian citizen aged 21-60 years on the date of application
  • Is a micro entrepreneur full time / part time
  • Has been running the project / business more than 1 year
  • Possess the necessary approval from such as a license / permit / lease agreement of land / etc.
  • Kafil/guarantor, is required to guarantee this financing.
  • No collateral shall be required by the Bank.


Takaful Contribution Based on financing amount given.
Brokerage/Trading Fees

Brokerage fee for every successful Tawarruq transaction is at RM 7 for every millions of commodity purchasing amount. 

(Subject to (6%) SST)