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Tanaman Semula Kelapa Sawit-i (SAWIT-i)

SAWIT-i is a financing facility for smallholders who are involved in small-scale oil palm plantation. The implementation of the product is based on the Tawarruq transactions.


task-1   task-3


Financing facility for:

  • Re-planting; or
  • Expansion of the Existing Plantation


Product Details

This product offers financing facility with features as per below. As an example:

Facility Amount RM 50,000
Facility Tenure 10 years or 120 months
Profit Rate *9.00% p.a. on monthly rest basis


*Note: BFR (7.00%) + 2.0%. BFR is subject to current changes.


  • Attractive financing rates and competitive pricing.
  • Fast financing approval.
  • Rapid process disbursement.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Smallholders individuals.
  • Organization of the Oil Palm Industry or government agencies that manage smallholders.
  • A company with a paid up capital of less than RM2.5 million.

Fee & Charges

Stamping Fees As per the Stamp Act 1949 (Revised 1989).
Legal & Disbursement Fees Include solicitors fees for financing documentation, registration of charge, land search and bankruptcy search and others related charges.

Takaful Contribution


Brokerage fees



Based on financing amount approved.



Brokerage fee for every successful Tawarruq transaction is at RM7 for every millions of commodity purchasing amount. 




Note: Any changes to the related fees and charges will be made in writing by the Bank.

Download Product Disclosure Sheet