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AgroCash-i is a personal financing facility for customers for the purpose of consumer financing mainly related to agriculture and agro-based activity.

The implementation of the product is based on Tawarruq transactions.



Eligibility Criteria

Age Requirement

Government Employees
Aged 18 years old and above and not exceeding 60 years old upon the expiry of facility or opted retirement age; whichever comes first                                   

GLC Staff
Aged 21 years old and above and not exceeding 60 years old upon the expiry of facility or opted retirement age; whichever comes first


Government Employees
Permanent and have served for at least 6 months (confirmed or under probation)

GLC Staff
Permanent staff and has been confirmed with at least one year of service

Additional Eligibility for Financing Limit up to RM250,000.00

Government Servant

  • Open to Central Government, State Government and Statutory Bodies only
  • Permanent and have served for at least 6 months. Calculation of service period includes contractual and/or “interim” service period (if applicable)
  • Gross monthly income (including basic salary and fixed allowances) based on customer’s financing eligibility (Biro Perkhidmatan ANGKASA (BPA) deduction, Debt Service Ratio and Net Disposable Income)
  • Debt Service Ratio (DSR) is up to 70% only (including applications with Housing Financing)
  • Other conditions are as stated above
Min. Salary Requirement

Government Employees
Gross monthly income (including fixed allowance) more than RM1,000

GLC Staff
Gross monthly income (including fixed allowance) more than RM2,000

Takaful Coverage Customer is encouraged to take Skim Takaful Kredit

Product Details

Financing Limit

Government Employees
Maximum RM250,000**

GLC Staff
Maximum RM200,000

(**Please refer to the Additional Eligibility for Financing Limit up to RM250,000.00)

Financing Tenure Maximum ten (10) years
Profit Rates (Subject to eligibility and current changes)

i. Profit rate for employee of Federal Government

Tenure Profit Rate
Up to 3 years SBR + 3.45% p.a
4 to 10 years SBR + 3.95% p.a

ii. Profit rate for State Government, Statutory Body, Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan (PBT) and Government Link Company (GLC)

Tenure Profit Rate
Up to 3 years SBR + 3.82% p.a
4 to 10 years SBR + 4.27% p.a

iii. Profit rate for application that has unsatisfactory credit assessment:

Tenure Profit Rate
Up to 10 years SBR + 4.85% p.a

Ceiling Profit Rate (CPR)

SBR + 7.75% p.a. or 10% p.a.; whichever is higher for the calculation of Sale Price

Effective Profit Rate (EPR)

At the current profit rate and did not exceed CPR and calculated based on monthly balance


i. Current Standardized Base Rate (SBR) is at 3.00%

ii. Subject to the existing Terms and Conditions of product

Fee & Charges

Type of Fees Details of Fee
Stamp Duty As per the Stamp Act 1949 (Revised 1989).
Brokerage Fee

RM15.00 for every One Million Malaysian Ringgit (RM1,000,000.00) based on the value of the financing facility or any broker fee amount set by the commodity trading platform (subject to service tax (if any) or any tax set by the relevant Minister) as the broker's fee.


  • The Bank will notify at least 21 days notice before any changes made to the fees and charges (if applicable)
  • Fees and charges are subject to Sales and Service Tax ("SST") of 8% (if applicable)



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